Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hey!! After being locked in a cabin for 6 days I completely painted 20 firewarriors and 1 of my crisis shas'o.

1. I based all of them with Rotting Flesh.

2. Then I painted the cloth parts and the two parts on the gun with catachan green.

3. Following that I painted the rim around the lenses, the boots, the entire back pack, and the gloves Desert Yellow.

4. Then I proceeded to paint the raised parts on the back pack black and the scope on the gun black.

5. Then I painted the lenses and the three notches in the gun Scab Red.

6. Finally I put a decently heavy wash of Devlan Mud wash.

I didn't put up any pictures of the Shas'o because Im not proud of the wash job I did. So when he is repaired I will post his picture.